Thursday, November 16, 1882
The Master
had come to Calcutta. In the evening he went to the house of Rajmohan, a
member of the Brahmo Samaj, where Narendra and some of his young friends used
to meet and worship according to the Brahmo ceremonies. Sri Ramakrishna
wanted to see their worship. He was accompanied by M. and a few other
Master was very happy to see Narendra and expressed a desire to watch the young
men at their worship. Narendra sang and then the worship began. One
of the young men conducted it. He prayed, "O Lord, may we give up
everything and be absorbed in Thee!" Possibly the youth was inspired by
the Master's presence and so talked of utter renunciation. Sri
Ramakrishna remarked in a whisper, "Much likelihood there is of
that!" Rajmohan served the Master with refreshments.
Sunday, November 19, 1882
It was the
auspicious occasion of the Jagaddhatri Puja, the festival of the Divine
Mother. Sri Ramakrishna was invited to Surendra's house in Calcutta; but first
he went to the house of Manomohan in the neighbourhood.
Master was seated in Manomohan's parlour. He said: "God very
much relishes the bhakti of the poor and the lowly, just as the cow relishes
fodder mixed with oil-cake. King Duryodhana showed Krishna the splendour
of his wealth and riches, but Krishna accepted the hospitality of the poor
Vidura. God is fond of His devotees. He runs after the devotee as
the cow after the calf."
The Master
And, for that love, the mighty yogis
practise yoga from age to age;
When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul.
he said: "Chaitanya used to shed tears of joy at the very mention of
Krishna's name. God alone is the real Substance; all else is
illusory. Man can realize God if he wants to, but he madly craves the
enjoyment of 'woman and gold'. The snake has a precious stone in its
head, but it is perfectly satisfied to eat a mere frog.
is the one essential thing. Who can ever know God through reasoning? I
want love of God. What do I care about knowing His infinite glories? One
bottle of wine makes me drunk. What do I care about knowing how many
gallons there are in the grog-shop? One jar of water is enough to quench my
thirst. I don't need to know the amount of water there is on earth."
Ramakrishna arrived at Surendra's house. Many devotees had assembled
there, including Surendra's elder brother, who was a judge.
Futility of reasoning
Surendra's brother): "You are a judge. That is very good. But
remember, everything happens through God's power. It is He who has given
you your high position; that is how you became a judge. People think it
is they who are great. The water from the roof flows through a spout that
is shaped like a lion's head. It looks as if the lion were bringing
the water out through its mouth. But look at the source of the water! A
cloud gathers in the sky and rain falls on the roof; then the water flows
through the pipe and at last comes out through the spout."
BROTHER: "The Brahmo Samaj preaches the freedom of women and the abolition
of the caste-system. What do you think about these
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Brahmo Samaj |
"Men feel that way when they are just beginning to develop spiritual
yearning. A storm raises clouds of dust, and one cannot distinguish
between the different trees-the mango, the hog plum, and the tamarind.
But after the storm blows over, one sees clearly. After the first storm
of divine passion is quelled, one gradually understands that God alone is the
Highest Good, the Eternal Substance, and that all else is transitory. One
cannot grasp this without tapasya and the company of holy men. What is
the use of merely reciting the written parts for the drum? It is very difficult
to put them into practice on the instrument. What can be accomplished by
a mere lecture? It is austerity that is necessary. By that alone can one
asked about caste distinctions. There is only one way to remove them, and
that is by love of God. Lovers of God have no caste. Through this
divine love the untouchable becomes pure, the pariah no longer remains a
pariah. Chaitanya embraced all, including the pariahs.
members of the Brahmo Samaj sing the name of Hari. That is very
good. Through earnest prayer one receives the grace of God and realizes
Him. God can be realized by means of all paths. The same God is
invoked by different names."
Master on Theosophy:
BROTHER: "Sir, what do you think of Theosophy?"
"I have heard that man can acquire superhuman powers through it and
perform miracles. I saw a man who had brought a ghost under
control. The ghost used to procure various things for his master.
What shall I do with superhuman powers? Can one realize God through them? If
God is not realized then everything becomes false."
November 1882
It was
about four o'clock in the afternoon when Sri Ramakrishna arrived in Calcutta to
attend the annual festival of the Brahmo Samaj, which was to be celebrated at
Manilal Mallick's house. Besides M. and other devotees of the Master,
Vijay Goswami and a number of Brahmos were present. Elaborate
arrangements had been made to make the occasion a success. Vijay was to
conduct the worship.
kathak recited the life of Prahlada from the Purana. Its substance was as
follows: Hiranyakasipu, Prahlada's father, was king of the demons. He
bore great malice toward God and put his own son through endless tortures for
leading a religious life. Afflicted by his father, Prahlada prayed to
God, "O God, please give my father holy inclinations."
these words the Master wept. He went into an ecstatic mood.
Afterwards he began to talk to the devotees.
"Bhakti is the only essential thing. One obtains love of God by
constantly chanting His name and singing His glories. Ah! What a devotee
Shivanath is! He is soaked in the love of God, like a cheese-cake in syrup.
should not think, 'My religion alone is the right path and other religions are
false.' God can be realized by means of all paths. It is enough to have sincere
yearning for God. Infinite are the paths and infinite the opinions.
The pure in heart see God
me tell you one thing. God can be seen. The Vedas say that God is
beyond mind and speech. The meaning of this is that God is unknown to the
mind attached to worldly objects. Vaishnavcharan used to say, 'God is
known by the mind and intellect that are pure.' Therefore it is necessary to
seek the company of holy men, practise prayer, and listen to the instruction of
the guru. These purify the mind. Then one sees God. Dirt can
be removed from water by a purifying agent. Then one sees one's reflection
in it. One cannot see one's face in a mirror if the mirror is covered
with dirt.
the purification of the heart one obtains divine love. Then one sees God,
through His grace. One can teach others if one receives that command from
God after seeing Him. Before that one should not 'lecture'. There
is a song that says:
You have set up no image here,
Within the shrine, O fool!
Blowing the conch, you simply make
Confusion worse confounded.
should first cleanse the shrine of your heart. Then you should install
the Deity and arrange worship. As yet nothing has been done. What
can you achieve by blowing the conch-shell and simply making a loud
sat on a raised stool and conducted the worship according to the rules of the
Brahmo Samaj. Afterwards he sat by the Master.
(to Vijay): "Will you tell me one thing? Why did you harp so much on sin?
By repeating a hundred times, 'I am a sinner', one verily becomes a
sinner. One should have such faith as to be able to say, 'What? I have
taken the name of God; how can I be a sinner?' God is our Father and
Mother. Tell Him, 'O Lord, I have committed sins, but I won't repeat
them.' Chant His name and purify your body and mind. Purify your tongue
by singing God's holy name."
SOURCE: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
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