There is a real story that happened in the last
century the life of a devotee Kusum. She was a disciple of Swami Subhodananda,
a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.
According to Tantric Scriptures guru is said to be
none other than God Himself. It was proved in the life of story of Kusum. She
was a child widow who lived an austere life. She was very devoted to her guru Swami
Subhodananda and Ishta Sri Ramakrishna.
The story goes that she died at the age of forty. On
the day that she passed away a light was seen above her house, which some
neighbours saw and understood to mean that she had died. Her guru was aware
that she had passed away.
After sometimes Swami Subhodananda visited that area
where Kusum had once lived. He came down with a high fever and was put into a
guest house alone. All night he tossed and turned. Suddenly he saw Kusum
sitting by the bed, fanning him. He asked: ‘Kusum, where have you come from?
Did you not die?’ ‘Yes, she replied. ‘Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna) has sent me.’
‘What happened the day you died?’ Swami Subhodananda
asked her.
‘I was in great agony,’ she explained, ‘and I was
calling on you.’ ‘I was calling you on you and suddenly I found you had come,
hooded, and took me by the hand. We both ascended into the air- higher and
higher until we reached a wonderful place. You removed your hood and I saw the
face of Takur smiling. I asked, “What happened to my guru?” Sri Ramakrishna
replied, It was always me. But you were calling on your guru, so I had to take
that form when I came to you.
Sri Ramakrishna used to say the Satchidananda, the
Ultimate Reality, Brahman alone is the guru. This is in conformity with the
teachings of the Vedas. This is proved in the life story of a devotee.